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Sv translation

Creating one-time issues

  1. Go to the area for issues
    • To create a new issue, you first have to be in an issue area in QBRX. You can either access issues by selecting the app in the app menu next to the logo, or by choosing issues inside a facility. 
  2. Creating a new issue
    • Click on the blue plus in the lower right corner.
  3. A window will open, which lets you define the most important information about your issue:
TypeYou can choose whether your issue is a fault, which is a urgent problem, or a maintenance, a control process. 
SummaryName your facility. The name should be like a brief description of the problem, so keep it short. 
DescriptionNow it's time to describe the problem at length. 
PriorityHow important is it to finish the task? You can now choose if it has a high or a low priority. If you are not sure, compare it to other issues.
FacilityWhat facility does the issue belong to? This information helps other users to arrange it and work on the issue. 
AssigneeWho will take care of the issue? You can either choose someone now, or leave the field free and find someone later on, who will take care of it. 
Postpone untilHere you can set a date for your task to appear on the issue dashboard. Until then, it's of course registered in our system, but not visible. Attention: The date can not be after the due date!
Due onWhen do you want to issue to be finished? You can add a date here, but can also leave this field free and edit it afterwards.

The new issue will be displayed on the issue page of your facility. 

Creating periodic tasks 

You can also create periodic tasks. However, this is solely possible at the issue overview at facilities. You'll only need one more step to make periodic instead of normal issues. 

  1. Creating periodic tasks
    • First of all, click on he small blue calendar next to your issues. Select the plus button to open it a new window, where you can define the same information as always. 
  2. Determining a period
    • The only difference: Instead of "ok" you can now click on "continue" to go on. Now you can decide when the new task should first pop up and in what period it should reappear. 

The new task will now be listed with your other issues. You can edit and finish it, whenever you want.