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In QBRX you can use many different tools to create a new analysis. Below we want to show you how to create time courses and how to use them for complex comparisons of different data points.

Time courses are a good way to display load profiles, because they show clear, comparable graphs for a vast number of periods. 

Creating a new time course

  1. Open the analysis app
    • To create a new time course, go to the app menu next to the QBRX logo and and select "analysis". You will now see your already created analysis in an overview.
    • You can now choose between the different analysis options in the upper task bar. Select "Time courses". Auswertung_menu.gifImage Removed
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  2. Creating a new time course
    • To create a new time course you have to write down the data you want to be displayed in the task bar on the right side. For example the load profile electricity of a specific site. When creating analyses you can only use data points that are already connected to other facilities. 
  3. Optional: choosing a time filter
    • When you have chosen a data point it will be shown to you as a graph. In general, data in QBRX is filtered to only show the information of the last 30 days. If you want to change the time filter, just select the button next to the app menu.
  4. Selecting a display option
    • You now can decide which of the four display options fits your data best. For example as steps or as an area. 
  5. Save
    • Do you like your chart? You can now save it. Just select the small floppy disk, choose a name and decide, if you want to keep the selected period of time or not. The alternative would be the chart always showing the current time filter. Depending on your needs either option could be useful. 

Adding comparisons

An outstanding characteristic of time courses is that you can compare one graph with another, within one chart. The second graph refers to the same data points, but in another period of time. You can choose which period of time should be compared to the selected one. For example, you can compare the current week with the week before. 

  1. Creating a comparison chart
    • Select "Compare" in your current time course.
  2. Choose a period of time
    • You can now decide how far the compared graph will date back. At the moment, the options are days and weeks. Once you have chosen an option, a second, lighter graph will be displayed in your chart, that for example dates back a week. Of course, you can easily save this chart, too. 

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