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QUDE stands for "QBRX universal data point editor". The tool enables you to define individual evaluations and rules within a simple, graphic user interface.

QUDE is used to create evaluations rules for data points and message rules. 

In this section of our help center, you'll find many tutorials about the functionality of QUDE, its scopes of application and many examples.

  1. What is QUDE?
  2. What is QUDE used for?
  3. How does QUDE work?
  4. How to open QUDE?
  5. What is an evaluation rule?
  6. What's important when creating of evaluation rules?
  7. Which bricks can be used in QUDE?
  8. How to create evaluation rules for data points?
  9. How to create evaluation rules for message rules?
  10. How to include schedules in evaluation rules?

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