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Bricks in QUDE represent commands in our system. They have to be combined in an logical order to lead to the desired results. In this article, we'll be talking about the bricks in QUDE and their functions.

titleHelpful articles

Take a look at our article "Introduction to QUDE" if you want to know more about QUDE in general.

Plus, we prepared some helpful examples about the creation of evaluation rules for data points and message rules.

All bricks and their functions:

  • Choose an arbitrary, constant number
  • Can be used as:
  • Limit or comparison value together with relational operators (example)
  • Constant value in a time series
  • "1" or "0" as for boolean analysis (example
  • Example:
    • Comparing data points (example)
    • Comparing data points with limit values from constants
  • NameBrickDescription


    Whatever is tied to the right side of the result brick

    stands at

    defines the

    end of an evaluation

    result of the calculation.

    More than one result brick can be used for an evaluation rule, if there is more than one relevant outcome

    The calculation is finished when one result brick is evaluated

    Data point: The value transferred from the right is saved to the time series.

    Message rule: A message rule is generated whenever the transferred value from the right equals "true".

    Bricks for values
    Numeric data point

    A brick to include numeric data points in your evaluation

    Numeric data points, that have been

    chosen beforehand

    added to the data point list with the help of the search function, can be chosen in this brick and get integrated into the calculation.

    Boolean data point

    A brick to include boolean

    Boolean data points

    in your evaluation

    , that have been

    chosen beforehand

    added to the data point list with the help of the search function, can be chosen in this brick and get integrated into the calculation.


    A brick to include enumerations in your evaluation

    Enumerations, that have been

    chosen beforehand

    added to the data point list with the help of the search function, can be chosen in this brick and get integrated into the calculation.

    Facility property

    A brick to include facility properties in your evaluation

    Facility properties, that have been

    chosen beforehand

    added to the property list with the help of the search function, can be chosen in this brick and get integrated into the calculation.


    Used to include a constant, numeric value into the calculation, that can be chosen in the brick.

    Outcome: Numeric


    Logical expressions with boolean outcome ("true" or "false")Boolean expressions
    Relational operator

    Compares the right and left expression by using the chosen relational operator.

    signs for comparison like 

    Relational operators: 

    =, ≠, <, ≤, > and ≥

  • Can result in "true" or "false"
  • Is used to compare


    Boolean operator

    Image Added

    Brick to logically combine multiple boolean values with each other.

    Options: TRUE (Conjuction) / FALSE (Disjuction)


    Boolean operator

    Image Removed

  • Brick for the logical options "and" or "or"
  • Can result in "true" or "false"
  • Example:Can be used for message rules if there is more than one relevant factor (example)

    Boolean value

    • Brick for the pre-defined values "true" and "false" for logical operations
    • Synonymous to "1" for "true" and "0" for "false" in boolean data points

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    • Brick to check the conditions even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative and divisible by in numeric data
    • Can result in "true" or "false"

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    • The schedule brick can be used to evaluate opening hours that have been set as a property
    • Results in "true" when the shedule is "active"
    • Results in "false" when the shedule is "inactive"
    • You can analyze data within (active) or outside (not active) of your opening hours (example)

    Used to include a constant boolean value in the evaluation, that can be chosen via drop down.


    Image Added

    Checks a numeric expression for a condition.


    • even
    • odd
    • prime
    • whole
    • positive
    • negative
    • divisible by (an additional expression ca be added)

    Image Added

    Checks, if the current time stamp is inside (is active) or outside (is not active) of the included schedule (facility property).


    Calculation rules with numeric outcomeCalculation rules
    Basic calculation operations

    Compares the right and left expression by using the chosen basic calculation operator.

    Set rules for the calculation of data points and properties with  

    Calculation operations:

    +, -, x, : and ^

    Only bricks with numeric values can be docked inside this brick (



    Calculation rules


    Applies the

    calculation rules 

    selected calculation rule to the right-bound numeric expression.

    Calculation rulesSquare root, absolute value, - (negativ mathematical sign), Integral, log10, e^ and 10^

    Only bricks with numeric values can be docked inside this brick

    Triogonometric functions

    Applies the selected function to the right-bound numeric expression.



    sin, cos, tan, asin, acos and atan

    with this brickOnly bricks with numeric values can be docked inside this brick

    Mathematical constants

    Used to include a mathematical constant in the calculation, that can be chosen via dropdown.

    This brick is used for the mathematical constants

    Mathematical constants:

    π, e, φ, √2, √½ and ∞

    Conditionals and loops


    This brick

    enables you to set conditions

    is used to only perform a calculation ("



    and what should happen

    , whenever a certain condition ("



    if those conditions are "true"
  • The conditions has to be a combination that results in "true" or "false"
  • is met.

    The calculated that is linked to "do" will be performed if the expressions at "if" equals "true".

    If the condition equals "false", it will not be perfomed.

    Instead, the calculation will continue below the brick.

    Conditional with further outcome

    This brick

    enables you to set conditions ("if") and what should happen if those conditions are "true" ("do") or false ("else")Can be combined with bricks that result in "true" or "false"

    is used to add a further outcometo the procedure of a calculation ("else").

    If the condition in "if" is "true", the part in "do" will be triggered

    If the condition in "if" is "fale", the part in "else" will be triggered



     Calculations can be repeated with this brick. The number of loops depends on the numeric expression, that is docked at "repeat x times".

    "reapeat x times" can only be combined with

    a brick or combination

    an expression, that represents an integer.

    Definition of a variable

    Brick to determine the value of a variable in "item".

    "item" is the name of a variable that can be defined individually

    Link bricks or combinations to this brick to use their values as variables (example)


    Supported data types: Boolean, numeric, enumerative



    Retrieves the value of a defined variable