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Sv translation

With the help of web resources, you have access to websites and network-compatible devices via a proxy server. This way, you can use websites and functions, which would not be directly accessible. 

What does this mean? Many companies use applications and network-compatible devices that are only accessible within internal networks. They are part of your VPN. This approach provides an additional protection for applications from external access. 

However, there are some downsides to it: If you are not connected to your internal company network it's complicated to get access to such applications. To get access, you first need to use a "tunnel" to the company's network. To do this, you will need a proxy server. If a third party would like to visit your network, for example to create data points, it's always an additional effort to get access.

QBRX' web resources make things easier. After registering your network to QBRX, you can save a resource to QBRX as a web resource, that would normally only be accessible within your network. Select the web resource to reach the internal application via our proxy server, even when you're not logged into your network.

Like this, the access to certain functions and devices is way easier and less complicated. You are more flexible inside your network and also have an external access via QBRX. 

Your data is still protected from third party users! Web resources only authorize certain people to get to certain, chosen parts of your network. This could be a function of one of your devices, that we need for our building control system. Only some user of QBRX and your organization have access to web resources. You still have control over them and your internal security. You're just creating a small access to a specific part of your network. 


If you want to know how to create, edit and delete web resources take a look at the other articles in our manual.

We also created an article with some examples of useful web resources for you.