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Sv translation

What is the issue center?

The issue center is your app to manage issues of every account and facility. 

The app is the right place to edit, comment, watch an finish your issues, just like the issue page of every facility. 

However, the issue center differs in the following aspects from the issue overview at facilities:

  1. Across all facilitiesYou see issues from all of your facilities at the same time on one page.
  2. Numerous filter options - You can set many practical filters to restrict the number of displayed issues.

  3. Across all accounts - Filter messages by account, without the necessity to change it. 
  4. Open issues from notifications - Select a issue notification to open the issue in the app.

User interface

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FilterYou can set various filters in the upper task bar to restrict the displayed issue. All available filter options are explained below.
SortingHere you can decide in which order your issues should be displayed. Everything about sorting is explained below, too.
IssueThis is the list of all issues that fit the criteria of your filters. In the upper left corner, you can see the total number of issues in the list. Once you scroll down, more issues will be loaded automatically.
Selected issueThis displays your currently selected issue with all important information and tasks. The selected issue will stay the same, even if you change your filters and it is no longer displayed in the list of messages. It changes once you select a new one.
Create new issueClick on the plus button to create a new issue. here you can choose all important parameters for the issue and a matching facility.

How to filter issues?

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Search barIn the search bar you can filter issues by their issue ID, the text in the description and the summary.
Show postponed issuesIf this filter is activated, you'll see issues, that have been postponed up to a certain date.

Filter issues by type.

The issue type can depend on your account. If you have access to more than one account with different issue types, you'll see account dependent options.

StateSelect the state of the displayed issues.
PrioritySelect the priority of your displayed issues.

You can set this filter if you have access to more than one account.

If there is no filter active, you'll see issues from your current account and its sub-accounts. Select "Current account" to only display the issues of your chosen account. "Choose accounts" enables you to select as many accounts as you wish.

Please pay attention to the following aspects when filtering by account:

An issues always belongs to the account of its matched assignee. Changing the assignee will also change the account of the issue. An issue belongs to the account of its linked facility, if no one is assigned to it.

Global time filter

How to sort issues?