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Sv translation

Users and their permissions can be managed and added in the user management in the administration area.

In this article we'll be talking about the user interface and its most important functions.

User interface

Image Added

Selected user

This is an overview of the selected users data.

Personal information can be changed here.

Changing the e-mail address will hange the status of the user to "Validation pending". A validation mail will be send to the new e-mail address.

Facility and account permissions can be added by clicking the plus below and deleted with the help of the garbage can.

The following buttons will be shown depending on the status of the user:

Image Modified

Deactivates and aktive user.

Available for users with the states "Active", "Validation pending" and "Timeout".

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Activates an inactive user.

Available for users with the state "Inactive".

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Sends out a new validation mail to the selected user, whose validation link is expired.

Available for users with the states, "Validation pending" and "Timeout".

FilterFilter the shown users in the list according to their name state and account and sort them to your liking.
User list

The list displays all users that fit your selected filter criteria.

The state of a user is shown next to the name if his state is not "active". This makes it obvious if a user has an unusual state.

Add new user

Select the blue plus button to create a new user.

A new user needs an e-mail address, name, account and at least one permission.

More about the creation of users ca be found here.