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Sv translation

The default dashboard has a given set of widgets as a default setting. They can be adjusted according to your needs. The same thing goes for newly added dashboards. In this tutorial, we'll be talking about how to adjust your dashboards.

Take a look at our manual section to get more information about widgets.

However, unlike the user dashboard, these changes are not user dependent and therefore visible for everyone. 

Switching to the edit-mode

  1. Choosing a facility
    • Choose a facility dashboard you would like to adjust.
  2. Switching to the edit mode
    • Select the pen button in the upper right corner to switch to the edit mode.
    • This mode enables you to add new widgets and dashboards, adjust them and reset everything to default.

Adjusting widgets

Image Added

Configuration optionDescription

Select the plus button in the lower right corner to add a new widget.

The variety of widgets does not depend on the facility type. Every widget has its on configuration options.


Click on the gear wheel in the upper right corner of a widget to open the configuration window.

Here you can make adjustments that differ for every widget and can be looked up here.

Move & change size

Move a widget by selecting any empty space inside the widget and dragging it to its destination on the dashboard.

Widgets will automatically be placed as high up as possible. The red space indicates, where the widget will finally be placed.

Adjust the widget size by clicking on the lower right corner of a widget and dragging it, until it has reached the desired proportion.

Again, the red space indicates the widgets final placement.

DeleteSelect the bin in the upper right corner of a widget to delete it.

Adjusting dashboards

Configuration optionDescription
Save changes

Save your changes by selecting the tick in the upper right corner.

The button appears once you have changed something on your dashboard.

Discard changesThe X-button cancels your configuration and discards all changes.
Add a new dashboard

Select the "Add dashboard"-button to to add a new dashboard to the facility.

Afterwards, you may continue adjusting your current dashboard. More information about multiple dashboards can be found here.

Delete dashboardIf you have more than one dashboard at your current facility, you can delete it by clicking on the bin.
Reset to default

The arrow button resets all dashboards of the facility to default settings.

The default settings look like this: the facility has one default dashboard with a given set of widgets depending on the type of the facility. All other added dashboards of the facility will therefore be deleted.