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Sv translation

"My data points" are user dependent data points, that can be created with the help of the analysis app and later be used for further evaluations. They, in fact, are your personal data points and are therefore not bound to any facility, but to your user account.

In this article, we'll be talking about the creation of new personal data points.  

Step-by-step  tutorial

  1. Accessing "My data points"
    • Select "Analysis" in the app menu. In the upper task bar you can now choose between the different options to create new charts and tables. Select "My data points".

    • If you haven't created any data points before, you will see a big blue plus in the center of your screen. Select it to create a data point. A window will pop up, where you can choose a name and an unit for your data point. Don't worry, you can change it anytime you want. 


  2. Adding a new data point
    • If you haven't created any data points before, you will see a big blue plus in the center of your screen. If you already have some data points, you can find the button in the lower right corner. Select it to create a data point. A window will pop up, where you can choose a name and an unit for your data point. Don't worry, you can change it anytime you want. 
  3. Choosing properties
    • A window will pop up, where you can choose a name and an unit for your data point. Don't worry, you can change it anytime you want. 
  4. Determining evaluation rules
    • You can now see your new data point, but there still is no data to be displayed. To add some data to your point, select the small puzzle piece in the upper right corner. A QUDE window will open. In QUDE, you have almost unlimited possibilities to set rules for the calculation of your data. If you want to know how it works, just take a look at our QUDE-tutorials
    • If you have created calculation rules in QUDE or changed anything about them, you have to select the small calculator in the right corner to. This way, your data will be recalculated. Depending on the amount of data and the complexity of your calculations, this could take some minutes. Refresh the page to see the current status.