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Sv translation

Thanks to QBRX you now have unlimited online access to all data that is related to your energy consumption. However, if you need concentrated information of a particular period, that you can also print and send to others, a report would be nice. Luckily you can create such reports with the help of QBRX.

Generating reports

  1. Decide, which of your facilities should be the one that a report should be created for.
  2. Go to the upper task bar and click on "Reports".
  3. There you can see all of the documents you can create: An energy report and a standard energy report. 
  4. Select the energy report. You can now decide whether you want your report for one month as a PDF, or if you want to create automatic report executions. 

Generating a PDF report

Select the PDF symbol. A new window will open up which enables you to choose the period of time your report should process. At the end, just confirm your request and wait for a few seconds till your report pops up (if you are using a pop up blocker, please switch it off now, because otherwise you won't get a report). 


Generating reports with the help of automatic report executions 

With the help of automatic report executions you can define intervals in which an energy report is automatically send to you. You'll just need a few more specifications. 

General settings:

  • Name: Choose a name for your automated report. There can be more than one report execution, that's why we need specific names to distinguish them. 
  • Enabled: Select "Yes" to activate the automatic distribution of your report and "No" to deactivate it. 
  • First execution: When should the report first be send to you? This date has no further influence on your later chosen interval. 
  • Interval: You can now decide in which interval your report should be distributed. One example: You can get your report every 3 months, always on the 1st. Adapt the interval to your needs. 

Report parameters: 

  • Month: Choose the time period your report should cover. If you select a "fixed date", your report will always contain data of the same date. "Relative date" offers you more flexibility. One example: You have chosen the 1st of every 3 months for the distribution of your report, because you want to see the data of the last 3 months. You now have to choose the "Last day" of the "last" "month" "plus +" 2 more months. 
  • Save in documents: You report can directly be saved in "Dokumente" in QBRX. This way, all of your colleagues have access to the report. 
  • Send as mail: Select "Yes" if you want to receive the report via mail or "No" if you don't. You can either choose a QBRX-user of your organization who will get the report via mail or write down a mail directly. You can always choose more than one and delete each of them afterwards if you like. 

If you have written down everything important, select "save". From now on, you will automatically receive an energy report. 

Unfortunately, it is possible that you won't be able to create a report for a certain facility. This is due to the fact that report models are connected to types of facilities and your account. When there is no report model for your specific combination, we are not able to create one. If this is the case feel free to contact us, we will gladly help you with all of your requests!

At the moment, reports are only available in German, but an English version is planned and will be coming soon.