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Web resources in QBRX simplify access to your internal network, without causing any security risks. Working within your network will become way easier and will also offer many advantages for your employees. They can be used as central, easy access points of administration and can be used for remote access. In the following article, we'll be talking about these two practical application examples. Of course, web resources are useful in more than these two occasions! 

Take a look at our manual if you want to know more about web resources in general. We  We also prepared a helpful tutorial for you. 

Example 1: remote access

Web resources enable you to directly access local controllers. Like this, they can be checked, adapted and maintained location-independent. QBRX functions as a central point for remote access to multiple devices.

What would this look like in your everyday work life? Imagine that you have many controllers, surfaces and network-compatible devices, which you want to access. Normally, someone responsible, like a facility manager, would access all of those devices individually. This takes time and technical know-how. He has to look for every logging information individually and follow the device-specific instructions. This takes time and has to be done for every device, again and again.

If all of those devices are linked to QBRX web resources, those otherwise necessary steps can be skipped, because he now has direct access to them. Instead of login in to all controllers individually, a single login to QBRX is all he needs. Once he is logged-in, he can control, configure, maintain and adapt everything. Everything, that would otherwise be done on-site now happens in QBRX.

With the help of web resources, he can ignore cumbersome login processes and application differences of devices made by various producers. He has a practical overview of a network-compatible devices of a facility, he manages everything and benefits from an easy access. 

Example 2: central administration

In the first example, we already talked about the wide-ranging use of web resources: many devices can be linked to one place to guaranty and uncomplicated access. This is not only an advantage for technical managers, but also for every other colleague. 

Whenever a problem occurs, a fast, uncomplicated solution is something everyone wishes for. If all of your network-compatible devices are connected to a central point, you have fast access to all of them. QBRX web resources function as such a point of reference.

All employees can work with web resources, even without most of the technical know-how. They can bypass the cumbersome login process and don't have to deal with manufacturer-specific aspects of different devices. Instead of a long-winded search for data and numerous entries, they can directly access everything fast and reliably.

If there is a problem or someone has to check  device, he can just log in to QBRX and do so. There is no need to get help or bother with complicated processes!