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In this article, we'll be talking about the structure if the account hierarchy in QBRX and why we have chosen such a system.

More about accounts and users can be found in the respective articles. 

What is the account hierarchy?

In contrast to other platforms, that administrate single accounts on the same level, QBRX arranges accounts in a hierarchy among each other.

This means, that accounts in QBRX can be linked to so called sub-accounts that are hierarchically located below them. Those sub-accounts can be administrated separately and have their own users, facilities and access rights. 

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Who benefits from the account hierarchy?

Sub-accounts can not only be created by QBRX administrators but also by certain other users of our platform. 

You therefore have the possibility to create QBRX-accounts for your own customers and to administrate them on your own. 

Who can create sub-accounts?

Only users with certain rights may create sub-accounts.

If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to contact us!

In which way are access rights of individual users regulated?

Every users is linked to exactly one account. 

A user has access to his account and its sub-accounts but not to accounts of the same level or above.

The exact contents available for each user are regulated by certain access rights. Take a look at the respective article for more information.