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Sv translation

Issues are task that concern your facilities. for specific problems. This could be problems, that suddenly occurred, maintenances, you have to do regularly, or every other task, that is part of your project. With the help of issues, you can create tasks for everything, select the person in charge of it, follow the development and see if it is finished yet or if there were any problems during the process. 

All of this is part of QBRX, so you won't need any other software to manage all these tasks. 

Issues are all task, that are manually created and solved by a person. Messages on the other hand are automatically generated. 

Every issue is part of a specific facility. So you see immediately where the problem occurred and can quickly choose the right person to take care of it. Like this, the editing process is is much easier and therefore faster. 

Everyone with the right authorization is able to create, edit and finish issues. 

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