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Sv translation

Messages indicate the occurrence of a defined event. You receive a message in QBRX whenever one of those events takes place.

Events can be faults or warnings. They could, for example, indicate measured malfunctions, problems or general warnings. The generation of a message is mostly defined by message rules.

Messages are linked to facilities. Therefore, messages are only generated at facilities, where you have previously created certain message rules. The evaluation mostly includes the data of the chosen facility and its sub-facilities. 

In the following article, we'll be talking about when and how what type of messages could be generated.

Messages, generated from message rules:

First, we'll take a look at messages with messages rules. In case of these messages, you decide when you would like to be informed about something. This whole process is organized by message rules, that can be created in QUDE - QBRX universal data point editor. You'll find more information about this topic in the manual section for QUDE.

Messages in QBRX are separated into two categories: warnings and faults. When creating message rules manually, you can decide what type of message should be generated in the future.

Faults, for instance, point out real life malfunctions at fault message data points. This is useful, if an installation is shut down. A previously created message rule about this circumstance will generate a message that informs you about the problem. 

Warnings, for example, could point out deviations of set limit values. Those messages inform you about uncommon deviations in values if they are too high or low.

However, it's up to you, what type of message you prefer. You decide, whether an event is a fault or a warning. Messages types are, in general, independent from events.

Automatic messages:

Under certain circumstances, messages can be generated automatically in QBRX. This way, QBRX informs you about specific problems. You don't need message rules to create them.

Automatic messages could, for example, be generated, when the reception interval of your data import exceeds a certain time range. You might also receive a message, if the geo-coordinates of a facility can not be derived from its address. 

Imported messages:

Messages can also be directly imported as CSV-files, via Niagara or other systems to QBRX.

A controller directly sends information about faults or warnings as messages to QBRX. Again, you won't need message rules for these kinds of messages.

If you need any more information about fitting CSV- formats or have other questions about this topic, feel free to contact us.