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Sv translation

A proper naming of elements in the facility library is necessary to guarantee a user-friendly utilization of QBRX. 

The most important naming conventions that should be considered at all times are listed below.


Names are unique descriptions

A good naming immediately shows the connotation of an element. Like this,  A good naming convention makes  all elements are distinguishable and usable in the best possible wayeasily distinguishable.

If, for example, many similar meanings are required at one facility type, they all should be given straightforward but distinguishable names. This simplifies the assignment of data sources as well as the analysis of data. 


Temperature entrance area

Temperature sales area front

Temperature sales area back

Temperature 1

Temperature 2

Temperature 3

As general as possible and as specific as necessary

A universally applicable naming ensures that elements can be used for as many scopes as possible. The facility type "Room" is suitable for an office and a kitchen at the same time. There is no need for a special type for any of these two. At the same time, an element should be named as specific as necessary to allow an optimal usage. A cooling chamber, for example, requires special configurations to analyze its data in the best possible way. That's why a A specific naming is necessary and also helpful to reuse it for other facilities with similar requirementshelps the creator of a cooling chamber and similar faciliies to choose the right type.



Cooling chamber

Meeting room


Keep it simple and technically correct

No matter if Englisch, German or another language - simple, commonly known terms should be used for the naming. Not every user is a native speaker (especially regarding the Englisch user interface) and has a wide-ranging vocabulary memorized.

Exceptions to this rule are technical terms for elements that require specific wording.





Comparison scale

Choose consistent names

Consistency is the key to a problem-free workflow. Recognizable naming patterns simplify working with QBRX for all users.


Load profile

Load profile electricity

Load profile gas

Load profile

Usage pattern electricity

Usage gas

Avoid abbreviations

Some abbreviations are commonly known and understand by nearly everybody, for example "e.g.". However, there are abbreviations that seem practical but could cause problems due to their unfamiliarity or ambiguity. Not everybody knows the abbreviation "dp" for "data point". It could also mean"Daft Punk" or "Director of Photography".

When in doubt, write it out!


e.g., for example

Nice to have

data point

