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Sv translation

A user always has one of four states: Activeactive, validation pending, timeout or inactive.

ActiveActive users can use QBRX within their permissions.
Validation pending

This status means that the user received an e-mail to validate his e-mail address but has not lick clicked on the validation link yet.

E-mail addresses have to be validated whenever a new user is created or the e-mail address of an existing user has been changed.

Users with this state can not log in to QBRX.

Caution: Check the spam folder if no validation mail can be found in the normal inbox!


The validation link is valid for seven days. The state of the user changes to "Timeout" if he has not opened the link within this time range.

It is possible to send the user a new validation mail.

Users with this state can not log in to QBRX.


Deactivated users have the state "Inactive" and cannot log in to QBRX.

Inactive users can be reactivated anytime and change back to their pre-deactivation state. However this status change does not need to be confirmed like a new e-mail address.