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Sv translation

The facility library contains all facility types, their respective properties and meanings. 

The systems of the facility library and the inheritance of types works best if it's efficiently build and managed.

That's why we'll be talking about some important aspects in form of a best practice that will help you with the management of the facility library.


Rules for the


creation of types, meanings and properties

As general as possible and as specific as necessary

Designing all facility types and their elements as general as possible means that they can fit as many scopes as possible. This mans that a type and its properties and meanings should, for example, be build to apply to various facilities. Such a structure enables the usage of a facility type for lots of facilities and an easy inheritance of properties to subordinate facility types.

However, the facility types and their elements should also be modeled as specific as possible. They should be used in an universal way but still be specific enough to optimally match the requirements of their scope.