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Sv translation

Compare data points and properties of facilities of the same kind with each other with the help of analysis tables. 

In this article, we'll tell you how to create new analysis tables and what to look out for during the creation. 

Attention: Please take note, that the global facility and time filters have influence on your the analysed data in in your table and on your selectable data sources.

 Creating a new table

  1. Opening the table in the analysis app
    • Open the analysis app by selecting it next to the QBRX logo. 
    • Select "Table" in the upper menu bar.
  2. Choosing a base facility
    • Choose a base facility in the upper field. 
    • The selected facility is the most important filter, that overlaps the rest. 
    • You can choose more than one base facility as a filter.
  3. Selecting categories and facility types
    • In the second field, you can choose categories and facility-types as filters for you data.
    • "Categories" are facility-categories, that contain different facility-types. A data point can therefore be part of a category and a type, but when you use a type as a filter, you may have more divided selection.
    • An example: When choosing the category "meters", you will get all meters. But when choosing a specific type, like water meters, you would only get fitting meters. There may be many duplications, thus it can be really helpful to know exactly what you are looking for. 
  4. Choosing data points and properties as columns
    • Choose data points and properties, depending on your selected types and categories.
    • You can set filters for each column by selecting the filter symbol. Filter options depend on the data point or property.
    • Data points also offer various options to display data. 
  5. Optional: change the sorting
    • Select the name of a column in your table to sort the table by this parameter. 
    • Select it again, to change the sorting from "ascending" to "descending". 
  6. Save
    • If you like your table, you can save it. 
    • Select the floppy disk and name your table. 
    • It can later be found at "my analyses".