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The User-Dashboard is your personal front page. You can construct and arrange it as you like. This means, that you can create and shape your dashboard individually. In this tutorial you will learn how to add new widgets to your dashboard. 

Take a look at our manual section for more information about widgets.

 Adding Widgets to your dashboard

If you don't have any widgets on your dashboard yet, you can add some with the help of the big plus-symbol. If there is at least one widget on your dashboard, the plus-symbol is located in the lower right corner

Whatever symbol is shown to you, just click on it to add a new widget. A window should open, where you can select your widgets. 


You can now choose between widgets that you created previously with the help of the analysis tool and facility widgets. 

If you want to add an analysis widget to your dashboard, just select it and confirm your choice by clicking on "Add widget". 

To add facility widgets, you have to write down some information. First of all, insert the name of a facility into the upper search field, for example a site oder meter. Afterwards, you can select a widget that fits your facility. Thus, there are different widgets for different facilities dependent on their facility type. Once you have chosen one, you just have to name it. The name will be shown above the widget when it's finished. 


Now you can move and edit your widgets. If you want to know how, just take a look at the rest of our user dashboard tutorialstutorial.